There are many reasons to give to the HumanGood Foundation. Leaders throughout HumanGood work together to identify the best ways to use philanthropy to accelerate innovation everywhere we operate.  All leaders, from all areas are engaged. Every resident and team member is affected. Every program is enriched.  Our promise is to support those living and working in HumanGood communities with an innovative spirit and with transformative action.

Our donors include residents, team members, family members, vendor partners and other friends of HumanGood.  Each donor is called to give for their own personal reason.  What is your reason?

  • Perhaps you wish to support fellow residents who have outlived their financial resources through no fault of their own allowing them to stay in the community they call home.
  • Maybe you recognize that sometimes team members face a personal crisis and need your help.
  • Possibly you recognized that essential programming is not available in an affordable housing community and you want to fill that need.
  • Perhaps you are grateful for the gratifying time you or your loved one spent in a HumanGood community and you want to express your thanks.

While there are many reasons you give to HumanGood, one thing always holds true; your generosity has a lasting impact on those benefitting from your gift.  No matter how much you choose to give, you can be confident your gift will make a big difference.